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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - cradle


Связанные словари


(cradles, cradling, cradled) 1. A cradle is a baby’s bed with high sides. Cradles often have curved bases so that they rock from side to side. = crib N-COUNT 2. The cradle is the part of a telephone on which the receiver rests while it is not being used. I dropped the receiver back in the cradle. N-COUNT 3. A cradle is a frame which supports or protects something. He fixed the towing cradle round the hull. N-COUNT 4. A place that is referred to as the cradle of something is the place where it began. Mali is the cradle of some of Africa’s richest civilizations. N-COUNT: usu sing, the N of n 5. If you cradle someone or something in your arms or hands, you hold them carefully and gently. I cradled her in my arms... He was sitting at the big table cradling a large bowl of milky coffee. VERB: V n in n, V n 6. If something affects you from the cradle to the grave, it affects you throughout your life. The bond of brotherhood was one to last from the cradle to the grave. PHRASE: PHR after v
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English cradel, from Old English cradol; perhaps akin to Old High German kratto basket, Sanskrit grantha knot  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a bed or cot for a baby usually on rockers or pivots  b. a framework or support suggestive of a baby's ~: as  (1) a framework of bars and rods  (2) the support for a telephone receiver or handset  c. an implement with rods like fingers attached to a scythe and used formerly for harvesting grain  d. a frame to keep the bedclothes from contact with an injured part of the body  2.  a. the earliest period of life ; infancy from the ~ to the grave  b. a place of origin the ~ of civilization  3. a rocking device used in panning for gold  II. verb  (~d; cradling)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to place or keep in or as if in a ~  b. shelter, rear  c. to support protectively or intimately cradling the injured man's head in her arms  2. to cut (grain) with a ~ scythe  3. to place, raise, support, or transport on a ~  intransitive verb obsolete to rest in or as if in a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a child's bed or cot, esp. one mounted on rockers. b a place in which a thing begins, esp. a civilization etc., or is nurtured in its infancy (cradle of choral singing; cradle of democracy). 2 a framework resembling a cradle, esp.: a that on which a ship, a boat, etc., rests during construction or repairs. b that on which a worker is suspended to work on a ceiling, a ship, the vertical side of a building, etc. c the part of a telephone on which the receiver rests when not in use. --v.tr. 1 contain or shelter as if in a cradle (cradled his head in her arms). 2 place in a cradle. Phrases and idioms cradle-snatcher sl. a person amorously attached to a much younger person. cradle-song a lullaby. from the cradle from infancy. from the cradle to the grave from infancy till death (esp. of State welfare). Etymology: OE cradol, perh. rel. to OHG kratto basket ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) люлька 2) лотковая опора (трубопровода) 3) горн. подвесной полок (в стволе) 4) лоток (для промывки золота) 5) машиностр. опора; подушка; рама 6) метал. карман, лоток 7) возд. ложемент 8) мор. спусковые салазки; шлюпочный кильблок - beef cradle - boat cradle - converter cradle - launching cradle - log cradle - perforated cooking cradle - pipeline cradle - pump cradle - reject cradle - roll cradle - slipway cradle - stacking cradle - tapping-ladle cradle - tilting cradle - tool storage cradle - wing cradle - working cradle ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  тележка (эллинга или слипа) седловая опора (трубопровода) люлька опора; подушка; лотковая опора (трубопровода) fascine cradle ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) рычаг (ТФА) 2) опора; рама ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) колыбель 2) строит. люлька 3) горн. лоток для промывки золотоносного песка мыть золото 4) опора; подушка; рама 5) класть или вешать трубку (телефона) - launching cradle - receiver cradle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. колыбель, люлька from the cradle —- с колыбели, прирожденный orator from the cradle —- прирожденный оратор the cradle of the deep —- море 2. истоки, начало; колыбель Greece, the cradle of European culture —- Греция, колыбель европейской культуры from the cradle to the grave —- от колыбели до могилы, всю жизнь the cradle of civilization —- истоки цивилизации the sea was the cradle of life —- жизнь зародилась в море 3. рычаг (телефона) he dropped the receiver into its cradle —- он положил трубку на рычаг 4. тех. рама, опора 5. горн. лоток для промывки золотоносного песка 6. мор. спусковые салазки 7. мед. шина, поддержка 8. воен. люлька Id: to rob the cradle —- жениться на молоденькой; выйти замуж за человека значительно моложе себя 9. качать в люльке; убаюкивать to cradle a child in one's arms —- качать ребенка на руках 10. воспитывать с раннего детства, с младенчества to be cradled in luxury —- вырасти в роскоши 11. класть на рычаг to cradle the telephone receiver —- положить трубку 12. горн. промывать (золотой песок) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) колыбель, люлька - from the cradle from the cradle to the grave всю жизнь  2) начало; истоки; младенчество the cradle of civilization - истоки цивилизации  3) рычаг (телефона) he dropped the receiver into its cradle - он положил трубку  4) tech. рама, опора  5) mil. люлька (орудия)  6) mining лоток для промывки золотоносного песка  7) naut. спусковые салазки  2. v.  1) качать в люльке; убаюкивать  2) воспитывать с самого раннего детства  3) mining промывать (золотой песок) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »BED« a small bed for a baby, especially one that you can move gently from side to side  (She rocked the cradle to quieten the child.) 2 the cradle of the place where something important began  (Athens is often regarded as the cradle of democracy.) 3 from/in the cradle from or in the earliest years of your life  (Sara had learned that language from the cradle.) 4 from the cradle to the grave all through your life  (a promise of security from the cradle to the grave) 5 BrE a structure that people working on the sides of high buildings stand in which can be moved up and down  (a window-cleaner's cradle) 6 the part of a telephone where the part that you hold in your hand is put when it is not being used  (- see also cat's cradle, rob the cradle rob (5)) ~2 v to hold something gently in your hands or arms, as if to protect it  (John cradled the baby in his arms. | The wine-glass looked tiny cradled in his big hands.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: ROB THE CRADLE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. cradol "little bed," from P.Gmc. *kradulas "basket." Cat's cradle is from 1768. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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